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Joke is they think I wouldn't drop Bugs Bunny in a heartbeat to get rid of DQSH, if things worked that way. Bugs is a want, not a need.

"For them, the line between true and false has been nearly blurred out of existence." This began when phrases like "your truth" and "well, that may be true for you," weren't laughed to scorn, when they were treated as respectable. I think more anti-DQSH folks than not KNOW what needs to happen to right the ship, but they have their pet things, too, that they want society to accept, so they'd rather remain "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." (Example, how many soccer moms (rightfully) protesting these events have a copy of "50 Shades" under their beds that they think their husbands and kids don't know about? A world that lets that woman buy "50 Shades," putting it in the store where minors can get to it, has a harder time making a case against drag queens.)

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Wow! That was a truth bomb! I’ve come to believe most of what we are seeing is due to Fear and ignorance of many parents. I watch the twerk videos and the parents look just as confused about what’s being done to them as their children. I’m sure if I brought out a can of gasoline and a Bic lighter the “children” would be just as curious and would be looking at their parents or any adult, to give them the nod that all is well.

The whole of western society has become ignorant and immoral, lacking basic morality or any idea where our laws came from. It seems many people have a weak or no core belief system in something greater than themselves. What’s the difference between going to watch a perv. twerk at the library with your child, or taking the child to a bar with pole dancers, minus the alcohol? Would these same parents take their child to see them? How would the parents feel about a female pole dancer in their libraries? Why not? What’s the difference?

Yes, we bought the ticket and now we’re taking the ride. The slippery slope is long and hard, and the further we go the faster we get to the bottom. I’m witnessing the end of common sense and the complete break down of the family unit for the lack of, or lose of faith in God. I’ve watched and been aware of it my whole life. I thank God every day I raised my children and they made it without being molested by the “educators”. My grandsons, not so much. I’m just glad they live 2000 miles from me or I would be in jail.

I would be in jail if I had children in school today. Call it my warrior spirit, or just plain ol crazy, but if any of this was being done to my children, I might lose control. It’s an instinctive response that used to inhabit most men, and it’s been man’s eternal battle to temper the worrier spirit with love and wisdom. This battle rages in too few souls today. I'll never forget the battle cry from the gay community in the 1960’s and 70’s, “We just want the Gov. out of our bedrooms”. Now that same Gov. is legalizing the mental and sexual abuse of our children. So much for keeping it in the bedroom A?

Stop the madness and save your children. Take them out of school and teach them yourself. Even 2 hrs a day of actual learning of the basics, will be more than they are getting from the Public indoctrination of the 6000 genders, and the insulting and demeaning of our faith and American culture. Woof

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