Is Groomer the Right Word?
Ultimately, it doesn't matter what you call it. It's evil and it needs to stop
The controversy surrounding the Florida parental rights bill, the determination of many teachers to infuse their sex/gender ideology into their classroom curriculums, and the revelation that companies like Disney are openly embracing and promoting “queer” ideology has led to a sharp rise in usage of the word “groomer.” The traditional usage of the word describes a situation where a person builds a trusting relationship with a vulnerable person, usually a child, with the intent of manipulating them, exploiting them, and eventually sexually abusing them. In the current context, it is being used to describe those who wish to build trusting relationships with young, vulnerable children in order to manipulate them behind their parents’ backs and indoctrinate them with this so-called “queer” ideology. Is that really all that different? The only real difference that I can see might be the ultimate endgame. Do these people intend on physically abusing the children themselves ? In most cases, probably not. But they do intend on manipulating them, exploiting them, and ushering them into the folds of LGBT ideology. They are proud of that fact. And the children are still being set up for abuse even if by someone else. But the main objection to the usage of the word is the connotation of pedophilia. However, what other word would be appropriate to describe such a scenario, a scenario where an adult seeks out other people’s young children and attempts to shape their sexual ideology without the knowledge or against the will of their parents and staunchly opposing legislation to end such behavior? How about predator? Is that more palatable?
Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter what you call it. The bottom line is that it is evil, it is abhorrent, and it needs to be stamped out. It is the same issue with whether or not Critical Race Theory is being taught in schools. It doesn’t matter. Call it whatever you want. It has no place in children’s classrooms, children’s books, or children’s cartoons. I agree that it is important to be precise with our words and maintain the integrity of their definitions (see “woman”), but that isn’t what’s happening here. What’s happening is an attempt to sanitize the behavior and feign innocence. It is yet another motte and bailey tactic where grooming happens in the bailey and, when challenged, they retreat to the motte where they claim to be only teaching acceptance and empathy. Marxism and Critical Race Theory are being pushed in the bailey and, when challenged, they retreat to the motte where they claim they are merely teaching history. It is a favorite tactic of the radical left. Once you recognize it, you will see it everywhere.
It is worth noting that these people likely don’t see any of what they are doing as grooming children. They believe their actions are noble, heroic even. They believe the parents are the ones who are degenerate and that the children must be rescued from them, that it is their job to ensure that these children become allies to their cause. They do it because they desperately need validation for their ideology and they seek to normalize their perversions. What better way to do that than through children? If you can bully enough fellow educators, or entertainers, or any other cultural influencers to follow suit, you are well on your way to a cultural revolution. Get kids away from the parents, induct them into your church, teach them the new faith, and then send them out as evangelists. You can completely transform an entire culture that way. It is no coincidence that these people attack the traditional nuclear family. They believe children should belong to the state, (i.e. to the ideology), not to their parents. As a result, they see no problem with their behavior. They believe themselves to be righteous and justified. This is their religion. We are the heretics, not them.
I am grateful for Florida pushing back. Ohio has introduced similar legislation. Hopefully more will follow suit. People all over the country should be fed up by now. Parents, especially, should be drawing their swords and saying, “Enough.” No more ground should be given up. No more capitulation. No more concessions to this insanity. Call it what you want, but the idea that any adult, let alone a government employee, should be permitted to engage in sexual topics with young children behind their parents’ back is absolutely outrageous and should be vehemently rejected by all rational-thinking people. The label is largely irrelevant. Seeking out a position where you can have power and influence over other people’s children so that you can attempt to secretly influence them with any sexual ideology, let alone deviant sexual ideology, means you are a sick person who has no business being anywhere near children. Whether you want to call it grooming or predation or something else, it is despicable behavior and has absolutely no place in our society. Period.
Perfectly expressed!